Beliefs about Learning and Teaching

1) Beliefs about Learning:

  • We are ALL natural and capable learners!

  • We are motivated and engaged in our learning when:

    • We have ownership over the learning process

    • We follow our passions and our interests

    • We apply our learning to purposeful and relevant endeavors

    • We are immersed in a culture that shares excitement for learning

  • We learn best when:.

    • We know why we are learning

    • We have a role in creating learning goals

    • We build on what we already know

    • We construct our own meaning

    • We explore ideas and content through multiple pathways and intelligences

    • We receive timely and constructive feedback on our learning

    • We have opportunities for practice

    • We reflect on our own learning

    • We engage with others

  • We have positive attitudes about learning when:

    • We feel safe and respected

    • We are confident in our own ideas and creativity

    • We embrace challenges as opportunities

    • We understand that learning is a process

    • We meet challenges with courage and persistence

    • We support each other through trusting relationships

    • We engage each other through ongoing dialogue


2)  Beliefs about Teaching:

Teachers support student learning by:

  • Placing students at the center of learning

  • Recognizing that each learner is unique

  • Building positive and respectful relationships with each learner

  • Demonstrating concern for learners and their progress

  • Respecting personal passions

  • Providing time and space for the pursuit of personal passions

  • Helping learners direct own learning by:

    • Encouraging personal voice

    • Providing students with flexible pathways to learn content and acquire skills

    • Allowing students multiple ways to demonstrate understanding

    • Providing opportunities for learners to engage in self-reflection

  • Engaging and motivating learners by:

    • Recognizing and nurturing students’ passions and interests

    • Tailoring instruction to each learner’s individual needs, skills, and interests

    • Making learning goals transparent and visible to students

    • Ensuring that students experience success by providing opportunities to practice and develop competencies

    • Providing learners with timely and ongoing feedback

    • Making learning relevant and purposeful through authentic project-based learning

  • Helping learners discover that they can do more than they think they can by:

    • Setting rigorous expectations and holding students accountable for meeting expectations

    • Challenging learners to push their intellectual limits

    • Responding positively and with encouragement when students encounter difficulty

    • Encouraging students to consider mistakes as opportunities for growth

    • Providing individualized support.

    • Modeling for students our own ongoing learning journey by embracing difficult challenge